No.1GT1B5 Cutting/Shearing machine
ceneral situation: this machhe is usBd for balch cutting timplale or o者ef m记tal sheel boe nexst working procedure
No.2 16T Punch
General situation: this punch is used to punch the can's cower Into shape.
Na.3 25T punch
General situation: this punmch ts used lo punch the caris cover inlo shape.
No.4 GT3A1 Cutting angle Machine
General sltutlon: the machines i used to manufacture shell wahich can cut faur lran angles lnto needed shapes under the help of cutlingsngle tocils.
No.5 3A2 Pre-curlling machine
General situation: this machine is mainty used tor can's bo0y pre-curtng
No.6 3A3 Rouncing machina
enaral situation: thls machlne l used to round the sheaned sheets
No.7 3A6A Sldle folding& flattenlng machilne
eneral situation: mainly used for edge foildilng & flatenlng of can shells
No.8 GT3A6A Snmi-automatic fianging machlime
General situation: this machine is used for inmner curling, lettering and flanging of can"s bodies.
No.9 4A10 semi-automatic zealing machine
General situation: this machine is mainly used for sealing round cans or other speclal-shaped cans in can-mianufacturing industry or other industries.